Austrian Electricity Market Transformation: Analysing effects of aFRR/mFRR LMOL Limits regarding Efficiency in Balancing Energy Markets and the Local Intraday Market


In international cooperations in aFRR and mFRR balancing markets, a Common Merit Order List (CMOL) is created by Local Merit Order Lists (LMOLs) of participating countries. To enhance liquidity at the intraday market, Austria limits its LMOL. The impacts of the chosen limit of the LMOL and the resulting CMOL are analysed and a recommendation for further procedure to increase total welfare in AT is given.

The comparison of the possible procedures for setting the LMOL limit are carried out by an Impact Assessment on possible scenarios and their impact onto total welfare.

Status der Arbeit:Abgeschlossen
Student(in):Julia Brandstetter (EXTERN)

Betreuer(in):Daniel Schlar   |   03842 402 6013   |

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